Thursday, May 7, 2009

Some Ponderings

After the last couple entries, I've considered dropping this journal from the 31/31 challenge. I may have taken on too much. Trying to come up with material for 2 blogs on a daily basis is more of a challenge than I had pictured.

I don't want my posts to be just empty rambling. Yet, when I sit down to compose my entries in this blog, the words freeze up. Refuse to come together in an understandable fashion. Stubborn words...and I'm having a difficult time sorting out the feelings that I'm trying to express. I'm even having trouble right now with just getting this much out. There's a thunderstorm close by, and I had to post this before I have to shut down and unplug. Just a little more pressure to complete my mission. I don't do my best work when I have to hurry.

So, with apologies on giving up for tonight, I'll just close by saying...


1 comment:

  1. I think everyone has written 1 or 2 glaringly insignificant posts :-),uhm or more, but if it helps you, do it. I blog selfishly; it is really for ME.
