Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Last night, when I was struggling to compose my entry, I was feeling like a misfit. I've felt that way for most of my life.

Humans are, by nature, social creatures. Most everywhere you go there are groups of 2 or more people with common interests or goals, doing things together, having fun.

I don't really have anyone in my life to share my interests with. I've settled(for lack of a better term) on solitary pursuits. I do like my alone time, don't get me wrong. A good book, walking in nature-with just those creatures that are at home there, are just a few of the things that I crave to stimulate my mind and soothe my soul.

I think that is part of the reason I don't seem to be able to define who I am. I can't really attach myself to any particular group label. I don't fit in anywhere.

Does this make any more sense than what I was trying to convey last night?

Well, you say, just go out and find others with the same interests. There are many things that hold me back. Shyness and financial issues, are just a few of the main things.

I've got some time today to ponder on this some more. I need to get ready to leave for work, now. I'll come back with my thoughts this evening.


1 comment:

  1. I don't think the pursuit of who you are should be based on commonality with someone else. Be as uniquely you as you can be. If it's someone that is worth hanging out with they'll appreciate those traits of yours. Have you thought about joining a book club at the library or something of that nature?(Hugs)Indigo
