Sunday, August 3, 2008

It Seems So Quiet...

::sigh::  Alerts are still down.  Bummer.  I'll have alot of catching up to do.  If you visit here and have posted, Please leave your link so I can stop by.  I haven't put any journal links in my sidebars, but I will now.  If you'd like my to add yours, just leave a comment. :)  Just so that I can get there from here when AOL is AWOL.  ;(~

   Being in this community has really become an integral part of my days.  It seems kind of odd to open only a few e-mails instead of 20 or so.  I miss you guys.  I've been visiting the blogs page and trying to open some tabs with partial journal addresses, so I'm not completely out of touch. 

   I'd like to thank everyone who has visited and commented.  I can't express how much it's meant to me-all the encouragement.  I was very nervous about starting this journal.  Thought maybe it was just TMI for a public forum(is that what you'd call journals?)  But then, I figured out that if I'm going to change my attitudes about who I am, build up a feeling that I can be part of the world as more than I have felt worthy of, I have to "confess" my feelings to others.  It has to be more than just writing on pages that noone else will ever read, more than hidden secrets.  It isn't going to mean much if I write to myself that I wish there were more people in the world that would look beyond the physicalities to the person inside.  I already know that, and it's just not as effective to say to myself that "I know" that I am worth so much more than my looks.  I let what I envision as my appearance to others color my self-worth.  And yes, I do know intellectually that I shouldn't do that, but telling my inner insecurities that, is a whole different story.

   An example:  I have silver hair.  In my family you either go premature gray or bald.  Thankfully, I got the gray.  I found my first gray hairs at the age of 16, spent the next 25 years depending on those little brown bottles of fantasy hair. 

   As my husband required more and more care, and I became more tired, and hopeless, I got more and more careless about my looks.  I couldn't see the point of going through the routine when noone else cared how I looked.  So why should I?  We hardly ever went out in public and when we did, the attention was all on Mike.  I just sat quietly in the background and waited for him to need something.

   But then, when I was about 50% silver, a clerk at the drivethru asked me where I got my hair frosted.  They thought I had paid to have this done to my hair on purpose-imagine that.  Shortly after that, I took my son for  his haircut, and the stylist commented on how lucky I was to have that shade, instead of the ugly battleship gray color.  She gave me some silver treatment shampoo to enhance the color even more.  So I did take care of it a little more than I had before. 

   Now, years later, I'm about 80% silver, and worried about it making me look older.  I still get occasional comments on how nice it looks, and have no intentions of going back to the bottles.  But, in a world obsessed with youth, it's just one more thing that labels me "less than".  I want the world to look at me as someone who can be authentic enough to show off my "true colors".  Silver hair, wrinkles from the sun and all!  There are other things that I'm self-conscious about, but I'll save them for another entry.  This one's long enough for now.

   Let's hope that alerts are back on soon.  I'm going through some withdrawals here. 

                                                               <3  Leigh



  1. We're all on a journey, even those who don't think they are.

  2. Hello Leigh, thank you for stopping by..I've also enjoyed my visit to your journal. I'll surely stop by again!

    Don't ever let anyone or anything make you feel "less than." It takes a brave soul to go forth and show the world their true colors, just wanting to do this has already made you authentic.


  3. I guess others have had trouble with alerts; I've gotten a lot of alerts these past several days, including this one from you

    I started going gray in my early 40s' I colored it a lot but now I'm trying to let my color grow out so I can see what I will look like gray with some of my natural color still left; I think I'll end up getting it recolored again, but in the meantime, it is kind of interesting to see how I would look if I had let natural take its course (I'm 50)

    I admire you for continuing to write down what is on your heart/mind to share


  4. One of the most attractive women I ever saw was in a restaurant recently.  The age in her bright face and the shine of her silver hair were very appealing, and she wasn't "less than" any one or any thing.

  5. The alerts seem to come and go. Every time they try to improve things the alerts go wonky.  Good luck,


  6. I think the somebody needs a makeover! I know money is tight, perhaps your next big birthday you can ask your son for a spa day.   Put yourself in the hands of a good stylist and get a sharp cut and color and new outfit! Maybe you can even get a freebie on a TV show... Certainly, I think the biggest journey is your inside one, but as you make progress on that, it helps to see a new you in the mirror.  You should take one day a week where you get dolled up, just on principle, and go out for a glass of wine with a girlfriend.
    When I struggled with my self-esteem, I invented an alter ego named Cliff, who always knew what to do...I would often "be" him in social situations.  In AA, we call this "acting as if."  You can pretend to be more confident than you feel, and the real confidence follows...

  7. Leigh,

        It’s always a mistake to try to cover up the natural beauty that God has given to you.  Color from the bottle might change the appearance of the hair.  But it cannot change the tone of the skin.  And what many women (and some men as well) seem to forget is that the hair and the skin come together as a package: if you change one, the other looks totally out of place.  Just think how many women run around today sporting that Truck Stop Hooker look because they think that the Blonde From the Bottle will make them look better!  Instead, it merely makes them look cheap and hard and used.
        No.  Keep your silver hair and the magnificent beauty that accompanies it.  God had it right the first time.
    Uncle Bill
