Friday, May 8, 2009


It's a good thing I unplugged last night when I did. 10 minutes later a lightening strike caused the power to go off for a few seconds. Just enough to send my clock back to flashing 12:ooam. My laptop was safely unplugged just in the nick of time. ::whew::

In working out things to do posts on for this journal, I started thinking about the things to be proud of myself for-some of my personal positives. It sounds like a good topic to work on. A way to push the negative self-critic into the background for a while, so I started a basic list of points to include.

Pause for some drawer cleaning out-the dreaded "junk" drawer we all have, somewhere. Mine is the small top drawer of one of those plastic storage units. Most often filled with odds and ends that get tossed on top of my desk-when I need to clean it off. An odd earring, spare reading glasses, padlock key, a necklace that I picked up at the thrift store to tear apart and reuse the beads from, a receipt, a note to myself, just stuff.

In there, I found a Petoskey Stone that I had picked up on one of my walks. I want to learn how to polish it. That got me thinking about things I'd like to do or learn to do. More things to add to my list.

Getting distracted, I stop to go online, forget that I want to look up the Poteskey Stone and go to Google Reader, to check out some of the blogs I read periodically. In one of them(I don't remember which one) this web site was mentioned. 43 Things. I wrote it down. I haven't really gone to read the whole concept of the site, yet. But basically, it's about making lists of things you want to do, want to learn, can do, etc.

Talk about smacking me in the forehead with a sign! The Goddess is saying, "Hey, look here for some answers." That's some pretty positive energy coming at me. I'm not going to ignore it, I promise.

I know that I need to concentrate on good things in my life, and there are many. Good qualities in my personality, talents, accomplishments. These are not often acknowledged by me.

It's so much easier to listen to that little negative critic. Especially on days when I'm feeling sorry for myself. Those days when I think of all the things that I can't do because of finances right now. Plans that I've made for 3 summers, that won't happen this year, either. I could be irresponsible and enjoy myself, but the consequences could really hurt me. So summer doesn't look like it's going to be much fun.

Anyway, I'm going to check this site out, maybe do a list or 2, and I'll share the results here.

11:55pm on Day 8. ::whew::


1 comment:

  1. So Leigh I think your on a good venture, especially the part about shushing up the self-critic. Lists are good things, I think, as long as one keeps them positive. No "things I won't do" - "things I can't do now" - "things I'll never get the chance to do." That's not a good list. I like to start with "things that I enjoy" and let that push me into action. DB
