Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Question-What are you Passionate about?  What makes your world rock?  I'm not necessarily talking about sex here, but deep abiding passions.  Things in your life that mean "everything".

The definitions that apply, when I looked it up: intense, driving or overmastering feeling or conviction.  A strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.  An object of desire or deep interest. 

I've been reading journals, news articles, and witnessing the passionate way some express their views and beliefs in regard to politics.  Politics doesn't do it for me.  I won't even talk about it with anyone, in depth.  In fact, I get downright disgusted by the way politicians attack and belittle each other, twisting the other's words around to look like they mean something completely different.  In a very broad sense they lie about each other.  Don't I have any opinions about the issues?  Of course, I do.  I just don't feel a driving need to express them.  Truthfully, I don't feel that my opinion would make that much of a difference, or that my actions would make any more than a teeny tiny ripple in the grand scheme of things.  (Yes, a tiny ripple is action that leads to more action- in the right places.)  But my tiny ripple is confined to a very small area that reaches the shore and just smoothes out.

My son shows great passion in the things he believes, and I envy him that.  I hope that he can fulfill his dreams of making a difference in the things he believes so strongly in.  I'm discovering that he is becoming a man who thinks outside the box, that cares, that is doing things to change his little corner of the world.  I'm very proud of him for that.

I've witnessed the passion for family.  The love and devotion to do absolutely everything that it takes for others.  Do I have that kind of passion?  No.  Sadly.  At least I don't seem to have it.  Yes, I do love my son, brother, etc.  But I have actually walked away before.  My brother and I were estranged for over 25 years.  There are extenuating circumstances and convoluted explanations for why it lasted so long, but are not for this entry.

I spent the day, yesterday, distracting myself with unimportant, useless activities.  I just couldn't muster up the physical or emotional energy to do the things I should have and wanted to.  So I just piddled the day away.  I wrote an entry in I Was Thinking about my day, my life, how quiet and uninteresting it all is.  That bothered me and ate at my brain.

Still this morning, it's there.  Making a list of things I enjoy, things I might have a passion for las left me with this realization.  There just isn't anything that I am that passionate about.  It really bothers me.  Why?  Why isn't there something in my life that means the "all"?

Oh, I have alot of things that I enjoy: reading, watching sports, swimming, crafts(many different things), learning to use the computer.  I'm not even passionate about my health, doing everything I can to ensure that I remain as active and strong as I can, for as long as I can.

I've got some real exploring to do here, to try and figure out why.  The more digging I do into my life and feelings, the more questions I have and the more elusive the answers become.  And honestly, I'm not very proud of the person I am. 

If life were ideal, I'd have the time and space and knowledge to be able to figure this all out and change it. A retreat, an extended vacation, a camping trip alone, surrounded by nature. 

Maybe I'm spreading myself too thinly, trying to do too many things, keeping an interest in too many things at one time to truly devote myself to what would be most important to me.  And I can't even define what that is, other than trying to figure myself out.

                                                   ::Sigh::       <3  Leigh


  1. You'll find it in the silence...

  2. "Truthfully, I don't feel that my opinion would make that much of a difference, or that my actions would make any more than a teeny tiny ripple in the grand scheme of things." There is nothing wrong with humility, but there is a difference between have an outsized sense of your impact on the world, and a predetermination that's it's a little--or a lot--less than everybody else's.  A few hundred votes in Florida in 2008 would have changed history, and as much as I dislike her, if Sarah Palin hadn't run for City Council in a small Alaska town, she wouldn't be possibly causing a political tidal wave.  We simply don't know the impact we might have, what unseen ripples are having effects we cannot perceive.
    You need to at least allow Leigh to be equal to everyone else, and not block her glow by walking under a dark umbrella. It's ain't raining. Put the umbrella away.

  3. You know, everyone has at least one passion even if you can't see it or recognize it.  It could be being in nature, taking in the beauty. It could be helping elderly and hospital bound people that want to die with dignity.  It could be something simple as a hobby or as profound as finding a cure for cancer.  Love is a passion we all want and all the time . . . I know I do.  Have a happy passionate Thursday.  Luv ya!


  4. someone once said to find what you are passionate about, what gets you up in the morning; what are you really excited about doing? I think you have it defined; you do need to look within yourself; I bet there is something you are really passionate about; you speak so well about nature; maybe that's what you are passionate about; the great outdoors

    for me, its my faith, serving others, living for Him

    hugs to you; I hope you do find your passion in life


  5. It's not so much any one particuliar thing, but a whole world of little things that make me passionate. It's also a very wide spectrum, bigger than anything I could ever hope to encompass...

    So what makes me passionate...LIFE - the very act of living...

